IT — Facilities



The department has well-equipped labs with state-of-the-art infrastructure (hardware and software) with uninterrupted power supply and Wi-Fi facility. The institute has a tie-up with Microsoft through Microsoft campus agreement which makes all Microsoft servers, operating systems and tools readily available for students to update their knowledge regarding current technologies.

Information assimilation at the departmental level happens through departmental library and digital library with strong support from central library in the form of e-journals from IEEE, ACM, Science direct etc. which is a strong motivation that instills a  sense of pursuing research both in faculty members and post graduate students alike.

Sr. No.Name of LaboratoryCost (in Rs.)
1Programming Laboratory-I4,51,850/-
2Programming Laboratory-II4,67,850/-
3Computer Graphics Laboratory4,59,850/-
4Software Engineering Laboratory3,79,400/-
5Network Laboratory4,99,850/-
6Information System Design Laboratory4,99,850/-
7Elective Laboaratory8,51,400/-
8PG Laboratory3,85,160/-
9Hardware Laboratory4,57,600/-
10Microprocessor Laboratory10,53,434/-
11FPL Laboratory14,72,461/-
12CAD Laboratory11,93,988/-
  • Other Facilities
    • Departmental Library (180 Titles)
    • Internet (16 Mbps)
    • Separate Cabins for Faculty (21 cabins)
    • Extra laboratory hours (beyond college time)
    • Centralized Computing Facilities (General + Technical)